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Books by Hermann Hampe

Legacies in Steel
Personalized and Historical German Military Edged Weapons 1800-1990
通过 Hermann Hampe, Rick Dauzat
Hardcover, 608 页, 发布时间 2019 通过 Casemate
ISBN-13: 978-1-61200-777-9, ISBN: 1-61200-777-5

"Legacies in Steel is focused on historical edged weapons of the German military from 1800 to 1990. Nearly 100 examples have been carefully selected from some of the most important private collections in the world as well as German museums, the largest compendium of personalized edged weapons published to date. Through the photographic lens, details of these elegant and beautiful objects are featured.Many of these edged weapons belonged ..."

Deadly Beauties, Rare German Handguns, Vol. 2, 1914-1945(1st Edition)
World War I • Weimar • Third Reich
通过 Hermann Hampe, Jean Varret
Hardcover, 336 页, 发布时间 2016 通过 Schiffer Military History
ISBN-13: 978-0-7643-5085-6, ISBN: 0-7643-5085-4

"Drawn from some of the world’s most prestigious collections, this comprehensive work is a visual and historical reference exploring the craftsmanship and technical progress of German pistol development during the 1914-1945 World War I, Weimar, and Third Reich years. Using specially commissioned color photography, these ultra-rare and priceless side arms, many of which are shown for the first time, are displayed in stunning detail, highl ..."

Deadly Beauties, Rare German Handguns, Vol. 1, 1871-1914(1st Edition)
Pre-World War I
通过 Hermann Hampe, Jean Varret
Hardcover, 432 页, 发布时间 2016 通过 Schiffer Military History
ISBN-13: 978-0-7643-5084-9, ISBN: 0-7643-5084-6

"Drawn from some of the world's most prestigious collections, this comprehensive work is a visual and historical reference exploring the craftsmanship and technical progress of German pistol development from 1871 to 1914. Using specially commissioned colour photography, these ultra-rare and priceless side arms, many of which are shown for the first time, are portrayed in stunning detail, highlighting the engravers' art, intricate designs ..."

Weapons of Warriors(1st Edition)
Famous Antique Swords of the Near East
通过 Victor Diehl, Hermann Hampe, Helmut Föll, Gözde Yasar, Helmut Fã¶Ll, Gã¶Zde Yasar
Hardcover, 352 页, 发布时间 2012 通过 Schiffer
ISBN-13: 978-0-7643-4116-8, ISBN: 0-7643-4116-2

"Weapons of Warriors is a photographic study containing many of the most renowned, prestigious, and historical Arabic and Turkish swords from the 12th through the 19th century. Every sword is professionally photographed at the studio, in the highest resolution and correct color. Each weapon is presented in multiple angles, many at actual size across two pages to provide the reader with the most detailed appreciation of the skill, craftsm ..."

Deutsche Marinedolche(1st Edition)
通过 Hermann Hampe, Vic Diehl, Hampe/Diehl
Hardcover, 344 页, 发布时间 2009 通过 Motorbuch Verlag
ISBN-13: 978-3-613-03012-1, ISBN: 3-613-03012-8

"Offiziere und Seeleute trugen vom 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert gerne einen Dolch als Seitenwaffe. Meistens kamen Dolche als Zweitwaffe beim Nahkampf zum Einsatz oder wurden schlicht als Uniformverzierung getragen. Es gibt Marinedolche mit und ohne Klingenätzung, solche mit Griffe aus Kunststoff, Holz oder seltener, aus Elfenbein. Bei der Marine wurden nicht nur zweischneidige, sondern öfters auch einschneidige Dolche verwendet. Die Geschicht ..."

Geschenkdolche und militärische Ehrendolche der DDR
Band 2
通过 Roman Korinth, Hermann Hampe
238 页, 发布时间 2021 通过 Books On Demand
ISBN-13: 978-3-7543-5310-3, ISBN: 3-7543-5310-1

"... Hans-Werner Deim Generalmajor Dr. Ing., Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Beaujean Generalmajor Dipl.-Mil. Rudolf Deutsch Generalmajor Bernhard Bechler Generalmajor Dipl.-Mil. Günther Diederich Generalmajor Dipl.-Mil. Kurt Bernhagen Generalmajor Dr. h.c. ..."

Legacies in Steel
Personalized and Historical German Military Edged Weapons, 1800–1990
通过 Hermann Hampe, Rick Dauzat
608 页, 发布时间 2019 通过 Casemate Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-1-61200-778-6, ISBN: 1-61200-778-3

"Nearly 100 German military edged weapons are presented in this sumptuously photographed volume featuring information about their owners."


Hermann Hampe

Jean Varret

Rick Dauzat

Helmut Föll

Gözde Yasar

Victor Diehl

Gã Zde Yasar

Helmut Fã Ll













